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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Effective teaching in schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Effective teaching in schools - Essay Example For example schools located in rural areas or schools serving marginalised communities such as the blacks and immigrants may have to adopt different teaching strategies so as to be effective in teaching. Such schools are likely to go for the strategies, which meet the needs of the vulnerable children they enroll. When designing or determining the most suitable or effective strategies for schools it is important to bear in mind the level of the pupils. Strategies, which may be effective in primary school level, may fail terribly if applied to higher education level. Developmental stages must be considered by teachers. For example primary school pupils are more likely to experience emotional imbalances than high school students. This calls for teachers to be careful on the way they plan for their teaching sessions. Evidence of behavioural changes in children was evidenced by the increase in the number of children who faced exclusion from school in the years following the removal of elusion targets in schools in 2001 (Evans, Harden, Thomas, & Benefield, 2003.31-79). There was an increase of about 11 percent in secondary schools and an increase in exclusion of about 19% in primary schools (Evans, Harden, Thomas, & Benefield, 2003.31-79). ... The effectiveness of teaching in the UK has in the past been measured by performance of the students. However this kind of measurement is faulty and may place on the teacher a heavy burden of blame when performance is low and at the same time lead to praising of the teacher when performance goes up. According to (Tiffin, & Rajasingham, 1995.12-68), there is a lot to effective teaching than the exam results. For instance there is the issue of legislation, the kind of legislation in place can hinder or promote effective learning depending on how well suitable they are. Equally important is the class environment, which may include the size of the class, the facilities available in the school, the level of training of the teachers as well as kind of pupils or students in the class. Very important is the methodology teachers' use in the teaching. For example in a Chemistry class, effectiveness cannot be realised if the teacher uses only one methodology of teaching. Teaching Chemistry class calls for a number of learning activities such as laboratory practicals. In Chemistry there is a need for peer coaching or group collaboration given the fact that in a class some students will always learn at a faster rate than their colleagues. This calls for the effective teachers to integrate al l the applicable learning and teaching methods. The above serves to underscore the fact that teaching is just one component of learning which plays an important role in determining learning outcomes. According to the Department for Education and Employment, (1997.4 -19) the social context of learning influences teaching and learning. These social contexts may be beyond teachers' control in most cases. This implied that the kind of

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