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The Efficacy of Anacardic Acid from Anacarduim Occidentale Essay Lipids are one of the particles utilized by angles for their physiologic...

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Joshua by Joseph F. Girzone - a Book Report Essay - 750 Words

JOSHUA by Joseph F. Girzone A Book Report ABOUT THE AUTHOR Joseph Francis Girzone is a priest. Advised by his doctor to withdraw from administrative work, he immediately set about a new career as a writer and philosopher. Though only 54 years old at the time he wrote the book, his experience as a priest had been unusual. He worked with teenage gangs in New York, and in the local mining area of Pennsylvania. He taught in schools most of his life, and worked in parishes at the same time. He was chairman of a government human rights commission which settled a jail riot and mediated racial tensions in public schools. On numerous occasions, he was called upon to negotiate in prison disturbances. Girzone has become very well-known†¦show more content†¦He was the object of curiosity, because no one knew anything about him. There was something that magnetized him, and drew the people to him. To everyone, Joshua was a simple woodcarver, but at the same time not so simple. He was God’s Son, but no one suspected. Joshua was friendly with everyone. They talked with him about everything. He was very intelligent and almost everyone liked him. Mainly he talked about religion, the religion that Jesus taught, a religion of freedom and without authority. Many people agreed with him, but a few strongly disagreed: some priests, pastors, bishops and clergy in general. As a result of this disagreement, things became very difficult for Joshua. He had to go to Rome to a congregation of bishops for a proceeding against him. He told the bishops what he believed. After the proceeding he simply went away, without saying anything to anybody. The bishops voted for censur e. The bishops agreed that Joshua showed a hostile attitude towards authority, that his criticism lacked understanding of the realities of life and the authority of Christ on earth. Joshua had to cease talking about these matters to the faithful, under penalty of further censure. But Joshua had disappeared already. His mission was over, so he went

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