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Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on Nuclear Energy as an Alternative for Fossil Fuels

The need for nuclear energy is more widespread today than it has been for decades. Drastic climate change and the rising prices of fossil fuels such as oil have made many scientists seek an alternative energy source. Although nuclear energy has been around for decades, the use of it has always been approached by pessimism. Because, the misuse of nuclear energy could spell disaster for any country involved in the process. Events like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Japan’s Fukushima accident are reminders of how nuclear energy can go wrong. However, the continued use of fossils fuels can spell disaster for the international and domestic security of any country that is dependent on the energy source. Fossil fuel is a limited resource,†¦show more content†¦Many modern day countries still depend on coal and oil as the main energy source for their country. This may be a problem for future generations as fossil fuels are a limited energy resource. The United States is an example whose energy consumption is greatly used like any developing nation. Even though the development of nuclear energy is possible to have in the nation, the thought of having nuclear energy around remains dangerous in many American minds. This makes the idea of expanding nuclear energy a difficult task. Therefore, dependency on fossil fuels is weakening to a countrys financial, political, and domestic security; hence the development and use of nuclear energy is needed in order to safeguard each country from the limitations of fossils fuels. Fossil fuels have been around for years and their increasing popularity around the world may make it a limited resource one day. The reason being is that many modern day countries use fossil fuels like coal and oil to fuel their emerging countries. This has led many modern day nations to seek out fossil fuels in an unprecedented way. For instances, recently the U.S has went to hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. The United States E nvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) states in their article Natural Gas Extraction- Hydraulic Fracturing, The U.S. has vast reserves of natural gas that areShow MoreRelatedNew Energy for the Future1358 Words   |  6 PagesNew Energy for the Future For years man has relied on energy in order to be successful in life. The industrial revolution relied on coal for the new inventions brought into the world. Life as has never been the same since then. However since that time, there has been little done to improve on energy efficiency and humans still primarily rely on fossil fuels for energy. For over a hundred years the Earth has become more polluted and dirtier than ever before. Now, with new, innovative technology thereRead MoreThe Energy Source Of Nuclear Power1003 Words   |  5 PagesNuclear Power It is no question that the US is incredibly reliant on energy. 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