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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sublime Contemporary Works From The Collection - 1495 Words

Art Republic Sublime: Contemporary works from the Collection â€Å"An artwork is said to be Sublime if it has an awe-inspiring quality.† (M Slater, 29th September 2014) The Sublime: Contemporary works from the collection exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art evokes an intense emotional response from the viewer. Ellie Buttrose (Associate curator of International Contemporary Art) described the exhibition as â€Å"a presentation of the various ways that artists engage with the Sublime in contemporary art†. (E Buttrose, n.d.) The exhibition overwhelms the viewer’s senses; they begin to marvel in the enormity and grandeur of the culturally diverse artworks. This vast range displayed throughout the exhibition, according to the Head of†¦show more content†¦(Need to describe what this means and how it shows the demographic) The exhibition provides a variety of sculptures along with paintings by a variety of artists which widens the audience as the exhibition isn’t subjected to one particular style. The boundlessness and overwhelming quality that is the Sublime is represented throughout each artwork and provides the cohesion of the exhibition. However, each artwork represents different themes and concepts related to the specific cultural background that the artist has come from or is representing. Xu Bing’s engaging artwork; ‘A book from the Sky’ constructed on woodblock print represents the The grandeur in contrast to the detailed characters inscribed on each sheet within the artwork is a powerful statement that draws in the viewer and invites questions and clarification as to the significance. The thousands of characters which have been meticulously inscribed onto each sheet represent the ever imminent power of printed texts which have the ability and influence to not only manipulate but also construct societal views. In the current age of digital media text and touchscreen prints, the scale and precision of the handcrafted scribe is both beautiful and testament to cartographic skills long since used and a reminder that the craft is diminishing. Also displayed throughout the exhibition is world renowned English artist, Anish Kapoor’s, Void. Void, which was constructed out of fibreglass and pigment in

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